Den Internationale Frimurerorden for mænd og kvinder Le Droit Humain

Skandinavisk Federation


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Den islandske federations officielle hjemmeside.

Den amerikanske federations officielle hjemmeside.

Hjelp til trængende børn.

“This website aims at informing both prospective members and people who are already member of a mixed gender or women-only Masonic organisation. … You will find some general information such as history, what the difference is with other forms of Freemasonry, but also a list with organisations that are active in every country that I could find information about in the world.”

“Archiving, Engaging and Encouraging the living Esoteric Tradition, Hermeticism, Aleister Crowley’s Thelema, & much more. Open Access Occultism for 25 years.”

“Din portal til esoterisk visdom og skabende meditation.”

“Welcome to the largest freely available archive of online books about religion, mythology, folklore and the esoteric on the Internet. The site is dedicated to religious tolerance and scholarship.”

“This site focuses on online texts, which, for the most part, means public domain texts translated more than 75 years ago.”

The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (…) was founded in 1995 to provide open access to detailed, scholarly, peer-reviewed information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of philosophy.”

“ManyBooks was established in 2004 with the vision to provide an extensive library of books in digital format for free on the Internet. Many of the early eBooks are from the Project Gutenberg archives, which means you will be able to find a lot of classics on the site.”

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“Most Important Books on Theosophy. For good understanding of Theosophy each book should be read minimum seven times.”